Welcome to Side of Blue Art!
My work is primarily acrylic on canvas. I love lots of color. I like paint to be paint. The way it moves, spreads on the canvas. Sometimes, I mix crayon, and pastels with my paint. I don’t like things to be too literal. I prefer to do what I call abstract real landscapes. Real enough to know what you see, but abstract enough to leave you some vision of your own.
The world around us offers such beauty, such danger and terror. We take so much for granted as we walk past trees, flowers, look up at the sky or drive past mountains. My focus is landscape, especially mountains and sky. The sky is so amazing. I used to think artists used too much color in their sky, then I started looking at the sky and clouds. It is truly so much more than blue.
I would like my art to provoke you to see everyday. Look at your surroundings. Be and live where you are.
The more abstract paintings are more about where you (I) are (am) emotionally, spiritually than physically. Emotions kind of take over thoughts and require me to put them down on canvas. Let me know if you can feel the emotion in the abstract. I’ll try not to give it away with the title. ;*)